I'm a British photographer, illustrator, designer and artist based in East Sussex. I was born in London and raised as an only child bilingual speaker by my Hungarian parents who came to the UK from Budapest as refugees following the 1956 Uprising, and my life has always been a mix of the two cultures.
I had a nearly 24 year career with the Police as a staff videographer - creating and editing instructional videos, eLearning content, photography and graphics to support police training and development. I was ill-health retired from my force following three Covid infections which impacted on my pre-existing health conditions. I now live with the daily challenges of pain and crushing fatigue.
In my late teens I completed an Arts Foundation Studies course, during which I met my future husband, and went on to achieve a BA (Hons) degree in Media & Design in 1991, specialising in film-making, photography and graphic design.
I've been an Associate Member of the Royal Photographic Society since 2003, and joined the Disabled Photographers' Society in 2022.
My photographs are often the result of being in the right place at the right time and just catch my eye - my little window on the world. I like things that are beautiful, sometimes strange, and often thought-provoking - just like life. Professionally most of my artwork has been created to meet a brief or a need, although personally I create as inspiration arises, in the moment, and with no set outcome.
Although my health limits my mobility and energy levels constantly, I'm still creating artwork and photography whenever I can. I've even developed an interest in pattern creation and have taken Sarah Watts' From Paint To Pattern to develop my skills in this area - a great course that can be taken at your own pace.
I love connecting with nature: animals, birds and woodland, skies and clouds in particular, although as I live just of the Sussex seafront I'm also very conscious of the soundtrack with which it enriches my life.
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